TaKtiX: Warlord

Warlord strategy and tactics

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Mat's Tuesday round-up

OK, another in our irregular series of "best of the site" posts in so much as they relate to Warlord.
  • Starting off, Jeremiah has some advice on avoiding theft at an event - happy to say this has never happened to me, but then, don't have massive events on the scale of GenCon on this side of the pond.
  • Following on from this, Todd discusses deckbuilding and comes out as one of those "evil net deckers" who we all really know don't actually exist at higher tiers of play
  • Laurence has talked about the inspiration behind a deck, and has gone on to give advice on shuffling and why deck-backing is bad for your health...
  • It appears that Pete is reading Chris's mind again, as his post on playing the player as well as the game is apparently something Chris was planning on writing, good advice though - think of a CCG game as like Poker, don't give tells.
  • Finishing off, Chris has an article on building decks around combos and also a review of the card he considers to be the 5th most influential on the environment from Eye of the Storm
Also, in the comments to Chris' post on Combos, Pete links to this handy site on the odds of drawing a specific combo.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Mat's Friday Warlord picks

OK, this has taken off very quickly, and I'm both very impressed and very annoyed; why didn't I do this 6 months ago when I first had the idea? Ah well, such is life.

Pete's article is actually an excellent example of the sort of thing I want to encourage; the post is inspired by a comment at Jeremy's Blargh!, and is effectively a rebuttal of another players opinion. Debate is good; exchanging opinions and ideas is part of what makes this sort of site useful. Feel free to comment, critique and disagree. Keep it civil and we're all good.

Columnists should, of course, feel free to link to other articles here, and disagree with them completely if they wish. Debate is good. Cool beans!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

TaKtiX reloaded

OK, time to stop attempting to re-invent the wheel. When I first set TaKtiX up, I wanted it to contain a lot of contributor generated content, and be easy to navigate and use. But I decided to try and code a content management system from scratch.

Not the best of plans. Since then, I've learnt my lesson. Experience, and to a lesser extent, Jeremy showed the way. TaKtiX is to be a gamer blog site. I've got two contributors signed up already. More will follow.

The idea is that each main contributor has their own column, and that I'll also have a guest column for people to be either tried out or write occasional entries. If you'd like to either write regularly or be a guest contributor, feel free to mail me, matb[at]taktix[dot]org.

In the meantime, Chris has written an introductory post and also an description of the importance of the first turn. Laurence has written a slightly more esoteric post, on the methods he uses for deckbuilding. Considering Laurence's record for creating very powerful decks from unused warlords, and his occasional ability to completely break the game, there's method in that there madness.

Template tweaks and random effects to follow. In the meantime, welcome back.